你对周围的世界充满好奇. 你是一个解决问题的人,不会在挑战面前退缩. 你对宇宙的问题——以及我们在宇宙中的位置——着迷. 你可能主修物理,也可能辅修物理.
利记sbo's physics courses offer a robust introduction to the science of the physical world. From the basic structure of atoms and matter to the complex interactions of galaxies, our program provides students with an opportunity to explore the fundamental nature of the physical universe. With accomplished faculty members and an individualized learning environment, the Utica physics program is an excellent choice for students considering graduate school as well as careers in research, 教学, 工程, 或者其他需要坚实的物理科学基础的领域.
联合国的使命 物理系 是为整个利记sbo社区服务. With a comprehensive and rigorous curriculum that offers several degree options, 还有特殊的转学机会, 物理课程为物理专业的学生做准备, 未成年人, 以及工程预科学生的就业机会. 物理课程为其他专业的学生做准备, 包括化学, 生物学, 数学, 计算机科学, 施工管理, 健康科学, 有了物理学的背景,他们需要在各自的领域取得成功. 的 物理系 is committed to providing provocative core courses that fulfill the general science requirements for non-science students.
如果你想了解更多关于这个项目的信息,请查看 物理系网页. 物理系有一个活跃的 物理学生学会(SPS)并提供各种研究和推广活动的机会.
的 部门 of 利记sbo物理学 university offers a summer research opportunity for high school students and undergraduate students during the summer 2024. 的 successful candidate will do research on Sun-Earth interactions with 教授. 哈Turkakin. 这个研究机会是由国家科学基金会支持的
- 本科申请者应为物理专业或辅修专业.
- High School applicants should be starting their junior or senior year of high school during the application period, and have completed at least one physics course with a minimum score of 85% or higher (students who took an AP 物理 course will be preferable).
- 认为自己属于种族或民族群体之一:黑人或非裔美国人, 西班牙裔或拉丁裔, 美国印第安人或阿拉斯加原住民, 夏威夷原住民和其他太平洋岛民, 或者来自大尤蒂卡地区的任何难民群体.
- 来自弱势背景的人, 比如那些现在被寄养的孩子, 符合联邦免费和减少午餐计划的资格, 是否有/没有父母或法定监护人等也被鼓励申请.
有兴趣的学生可电邮至 教授. 哈Turkakin at haturkak@tier2development.com with attachments of a statement of purpose letter and high school transcript.
At the 部门 of 物理 at 利记sbo, we value and nurture each student in our programs. We empower students to build thriving careers grounded in a deep understanding of physics knowledge and related skills. We are committed to fostering robust reasoning abilities while developing effective communication, 持久性, 致力于包容性合作. 我们的毕业生是多才多艺的问题解决者, equipped not only with the technical expertise to excel in diverse fields but also with the interpersonal skills and resilience to navigate an ever-evolving global landscape.
的 3 + 2工程转学选项 允许学生得B. A. in 利记sbo物理学 University and a second bachelor's degree (typically a B. S. 还是B. E.我在另一所学校攻读工程学. 在尤蒂卡, students have the advantages of small classes and close contact with faculty members as they master their foundation courses in science, 数学, 介绍工程. 当这门课程完成后, 加上通识教育的要求,总共至少96小时, the student will transfer to an 工程 school where they enroll in 工程 courses (specifics will depend upon program). Upon the completion of 32 hours at the transfer institution (and receipt of an official transcript), 这个学生就会得B. A. 利记sbo物理系毕业. When the student has satisfied the requirements from the 工程 school, 他们将获得第二个工程学学位. 学生s completing this program will have earned both a liberal arts degree and an 工程 degree. 的 3 + 2 program combines the strengths of a well-rounded liberal arts education at Utica and the specialization one can gain from an 工程 institution.
利记sbo’s flexible program fits a broad range of professional outcomes, 提供理学学士学位和文学学士学位的选择:
- 理学学士学位 - designed for students planning on attending graduate school and on careers in research or 工程;
- 学生学习目标(B.S.)
- 演示的概念, 理论, 和实践知识 经典力学的主题
- 演示的概念, 理论, 和实践知识 电学和磁学的主题
- 演示的概念, 理论, 和实践知识 《量子与现代物理学
- 学生学习目标(B.S.)
- 文学士学位 - designed for students planning to work in business or government in positions requiring a background in the physical sciences, and for students planning on 教学 physics or physical science in primary or secondary school.
- 学生学习目标(B.A.):
- 演示的概念, 理论, 和实践知识, 包括实践经验, 经典力学的主题
- 演示的概念, 理论, 和实践知识, 包括实践经验, 电学和磁学的主题
- 演示的概念, 理论, 和实践知识, 包括实践经验, 《量子与现代物理学
- 学生学习目标(B.A.):
Recent graduates of the 利记sbo physics program have gone on to complete advanced degrees (物理学或工程学) at a number of nationally renowned universities including Syracuse University, 匹兹堡大学, 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼, 克拉克森, 和其他人. 物理学专业的毕业生在以下领域担任领导职务:
- 空军研究实验室
- 海军水面作战中心
- 詹姆斯·麦迪逊大学
- ConMed公司
布列塔尼·范德霍夫喜欢解决大问题. 对于一个一直“痴迷于太空”的物理系学生来说,” those big questions go beyond planet Earth—and even beyond our solar system. 范德霍夫在尤蒂卡的大部分职业生涯都在研究星系的形成.