About This Program
你在寻找的不仅仅是一份事业——你在寻找一种使命. 你想改变别人的生活. 教育可能是适合你的项目.
Why Utica University
7-12年级的残疾学生教学专业为你在纽约州立学校与家庭一起工作和教授7-12年级的残疾学生做好准备. 这个程序使你具备知识, understanding, 以及文科和理科的技能, including but not limited to: artistic expression; communication; information retrieval; concepts in history and social sciences; humanities; a world language other than English; scientific and mathematical processes; and written analysis and expression.
完成残疾学生教学专业的学生7-12通才(B.S.) will:
- 表现出对他们将要教授的主题有很强的了解
- 展示教学内容知识和运用这些知识设计有效课程的能力
- 展示促进学生学习的教学技能
- 用心、有效、专业地教学
- Know how to learn
- 努力理解多元文化的观点
- Use technology effectively
What You'll Learn
教育残疾学生7-12通才专业要求教师候选人完成为他们准备知识的学习, understanding, 以及文科和理科的技能, including but not limited to: artistic expression; communication; information retrieval; concepts in history and social sciences; humanities; a world language other than English; scientific and mathematical processes; and written analysis and expression.
Education Faculty
- Associate Professor of Education
- 特殊教育副教授
- Assistant Professor of Education
- Professor of Education
- Coor. EDU Part/Clinical Prac.
Experience in the Classroom
青少年教育专业的学生至少要完成100个小时的公立学校课堂观察和工作, 把他们所学到的知识运用到大四,用一整个学期的时间来教授学生.